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0 comments ... Tuesday, August 28, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 7:30 PM

So basically its sleep, watch tv, sleep, read, take a little walk, sleep some more, watch tv, sleep well thats what its is...
So I finished another book and started another "Deep Freeze"...I don't know if it will be my type of book...I looked through the bag of books I had, all there was was a lot of romance books which is not a style I usually read. I like more mystery, thriller and suspense and I also like "Harry Potter" and the likes. Stuff that will keep you guessing and keep you wanting to read more to know what will happen.
Love these OC reruns on Much Music. I wonder if Season 4 is out on DVD - have to get that to complete my collection. I also need to check if Charmed - Season 8 is out...

Release date: September 11,2007
Its already out!!!!!

Heroes is out today also - that is something I'm planning to eventually get. That show is amazing. Season 2 premiere is September 24th.
There are too many TV shows that I want - House, Gilmore Girls, CSI, Veronica Mars just to name a few.


1 comments ... Sunday, August 26, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 7:44 PM

Where to start...sometimes i wonder if I there are any normal guys out there and maybe I'll meet one of them and not have to spend any more time alone. I could write a book about all the losers I have met. I used to think that after having gone through a relationship from hell that I would meet someone nice and that would treat me better but its all these idiots and losers that I meet. You would have thought that eventually one of them would turn out to be decent. It would be nice to have someone...It gets lonely sometimes and when you want to do stuff all your friends are out with their boyfriends, and the best is the ones who forget you exist the moment they have boyfriends, but when all of a sudden they are single well they seem to remember that you exist. You try to explain how you feel but they don't seem to understand. You meet a guy who seems to be really nice and tells you that he will do anything for you and be there no matter what - but it all ends up being just empty promises. All those things that he said - like taking me places for a week-end get away or go places for vacations, doing something special for my birthday.well none of these things happened. All that happened was basically nothing...he just decided that the relationship was over for no reason and just disappeared with no news or explanation. For once I had hope of actually being in a relationship and doing all that couple thing people do...and not having to spend time alone..but it was too good to be true. He just ruined everything and all those things he said makes you wonder if any of them were true or they were just a way to try to seduce you. All those compliments,all those plans, everything, was it all bullshit...probably. All those plans of the future...the special birthday, the holidays the vacation, what was all of that. Just by his last actions I believe it was all bullshit and I was just stupid to fall for all of it. Well I'll never know if it would have been an amazing vacation or a special birthday all I know is that it was just another regular day and another saturday spent alone. The funny thing is my friend ended up getting this amazing chocolate mousse cake for her birthday from him!!! (even though he said it was from me and him - it was basically from him cuz I had nothing to do with it)

0 comments ... Wednesday, August 22, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 5:35 PM


0 comments ... Sunday, August 12, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 11:09 PM

Well, finally finished the Deathly Hallows and the end what can I say - you just want more... now what am I going to read. Maybe start all over from book one.

Well this is what JK Rowlings has to say about the Epilogue...just go here

0 comments ... Thursday, August 9, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 11:55 PM

Well I moved my living room around again, hoping to be able to finally get the look that I want but it really is not working. After moving the sofas for an hour it still looks the same as before, except one corner table gone. It just looks all open and cluttered - I need to find a solution. There was this amazing wall unit I came across on - it is exactly what I want. But trying to find the exact thing in the catalog -well its not there and online they just showed the picture of how you can hide your cd/dvds in these drawers but they didn't give the name of that storage unit URGH!!! This living room is driving me nuts!!! Eventually I am bound to find something I like...

0 comments ... Wednesday, August 8, 2007 ... posted by tball @ 11:42 PM

Well it's the month of August and here is a new layout...It is dedicated to Frisbee - the most lovable dog on earth. He is the cutest. Here we are taking a nap together: